Tag: wordpress features
What are the requirements to construct the WordPress CMS website within a Week?

We require some basic details to construct the Website. We will see one by one. Choose domain name:- Choose your appropriated domain name with following simple tips. .Com .Net .Org (Popular extension for domain name) Short domain is better Easy to type & pronouns. Its attract people too easily. Don’t use hyphens and numbers Consider your Branding name. Don’t use double letters Create logo:- Create your logo with following ideas. Brand Ideology Nature of your business ideas & symbols (ex: Super market Trolley for ecom ) Good impression of design Use attractive colors Use good fonts as per your nature…
Read More »WordPress 4.8 version upgrade to WordPress 5.x

Major version changes came for wordpress 4.8 to 5.x . The old WordPress version runs under PHP 5.6. Current version require PHP 7 and MySQL 5.6 WordPress 5.x – Hosting Requirements: – PHP 7 or greater. MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.0 or greater. The mod_rewrite Apache module. HTTPS support(Recommended) WordPress 4.8 to 5.x version upgrade steps :- Back up the files and database of the complete wordpress website. Separate WordPress 5.x installation New Theme development require wordpress 5.x and integrate theme for new WordPress 5.x version Database conversion old to new (Database upgrade) Compatibility check for the activated…
Read More »How to install Purchased Theme in WordPress?

When you purchase the paid theme, there will be the following files:- Manual documents Theme Zip file Sample Data XML File. Manual document The manual document provides step by Step instructions to install the theme. Nowadays, all theme vendor provides user manual videos and documents thereby, the Nontechnical user can install the purchased theme in WordPress. Theme File:- Download the Theme Zip file and unzip the theme package; some theme has a child theme concept which we can see in the next blog post. Copy the theme file into following folder structure à…
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