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Outsourcing web development – Chenni Web Solution

Outsourcing web development refers to the practice of hiring an external company or team to build or maintain a website or web application. This can be a cost-effective and efficient way to access specialized skills, expertise, and resources that may not be available in-house. When outsourcing web development, businesses can choose to work with an offshore or nearshore team located in a different country or region, or they can opt for onshore outsourcing and work with a team in their own country. There are pros and cons to each approach, and businesses should carefully consider factors such as cost, language…

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B2B website development in OpenCart platform ?

B2B means Business to Business sales. The following types of B2B available Manufacture to Dealers Dealer to Retailers Wholesaler to retailers (Appeals Business)  Opencart 3.x is a best platform to develop the B2B websites.   Mostly, Manufacture gets the orders only authorized dealers. First, we can start with dealer’s registration section. In the opencart front end easily change the customer registration to dealer registration . We can customize the registration form as per dealer’s requirements and setup two level authentications.  After login, we need to provide dealers order history and payment credit details with overdue of payments alert. Big manufacture products…

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Requirements collection steps for ERP, CRM and Custom development?

Requirements collection steps for ERP, CRM and Custom development? Software requirement collection is quite hard to collect from organization and concern departments.  Every, Business analysts prepare themselves and ask for collection of questions for organization team then only, we can able to collect the complete requirements from organization.  We need to ask one last question regarding organization “Any budget constrains is there”? STEP 1: We need to ask the general business flow requirement question What is your nature of business? What types of customers are you target? Involved any customer support activities for your business? How to process your customer…

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