B2B website development in OpenCart platform ?

B2B means Business to Business sales. The following types of B2B available

  • Manufacture to Dealers
  • Dealer to Retailers
  • Wholesaler to retailers (Appeals Business) 

Opencart 3.x is a best platform to develop the B2B websites.  

Mostly, Manufacture gets the orders only authorized dealers. First, we can start with dealer’s registration section. In the opencart front end easily change the customer registration to dealer registration . We can customize the registration form as per dealer’s requirements and setup two level authentications.  After login, we need to provide dealers order history and payment credit details with overdue of payments alert. Big manufacture products must be configurable products. So, we can able to setup configurable products in front end and collect the sort description from dealers in while order generate. Most of manufacture collects the payment offline (RTGS/NEFT/Cheque,). If require online payments, We can easily integrate the payment gateway in opencart platform

Sort notes for opencart platform  front end :-

  • Registration form customization
  • Credit values & payment alert
  • Must enable Login purchases & Bulk orders
  • As per client request, We can validate the Minimum order values & qty.
  • Dealer order from can enable while orders

Admin Section

As usual, Manufacture adds their simple and configuration products in admin panel. Lot of credit extension is available in opencart market place. We need to purchase the suitable credit plugin and install.  Because, Most of dealers provide 45 days credit for their dealers. Payment follow up need to be customized in the backend section.

Sort notes for opencart platform back end:-

  • Credit plugin
  • Accountant to enter the payment collection
  • Order status update as per client requests
  • Payment reports as per client requests with all split-up.

Apparels whole seller  sales combined pack as per below example. So, We can easly modify opencart product attributes front end & back end.

Quantity per pack:- 5pcs

Sizes : S,M,L (2:3:2)


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