Store creation and sub domain configuration in opencart platform

Open cart multi store setup configuration is available in “System” Main Menu below “Setting” Sub Menu.

Opencart Multi Store Menu

Sub domain creation Steps:  In the domain panel, We can able to create sub-domain and configure same opencart front physical path in domain DNS panel.

The following tab’s available in the Setting Pages:-

General, Store, Local, Option, image, Server

General Tab:

Opencart Multistore Configuration

We can able to configure subdomain or folder as per below example.

Store URL : or   http:// store1/

SSL URL : or   https:// store1/

Store Tab:

The following  store general  information need to be enter in store tab.Store name, store owner, email, Phone,  address, fax, opening Time, etc..

Opencart Store Tab

Local Tab :

The following location  general information need to be enter  in local tab. Store name, store owner, email, Phone,  address, fax, opening Time, etc..

Opencart Multi Store LocalOption Tab :

The following option Information need to be enter in option tab. Taxes, Account, Checkout , Stock.

Opencart Multi Store LocalImages :

Store Logo and favicon  need to update in image tab

Opencart Store Logo

Server :

SSL setting option : SSL is available for our domain or not .

Store name will be display all section after creating sub store in setting Menu. We  can choose store name and update products and carousal sliding images. We can assign one product to multi store or single store. Multi store concept is useful for marketing,SEO and brand creation.

We have developed and configured several multi stores for various ecom clients . If any requirements, We  will help to you.

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