Protect wordpress website from hackers?

We need to follow the multiple procedure to avoid the hacking from Hackers. We will see one by one

  • WordPress version upgrade for every release

WordPress core team updates the bug fix and adds the new features for every Version.  So, we need to update the version for every release and then our website stable and protect from hackers.

  • Plugin version upgrade for every release

We need to look at the Plugin tab for version upgrade.  Plugin listing page  notification will reflect the version update. Please check the version compatibility and update the Plugins.

  • Strong Password and Username

We need to create strong Username and password for admin login and all users. We can also use same logic for FTP/MYSQL/Hosting Cpanel etc. Keep.  Password changes at least three month once.

  • Hosting server Folder permission need to check double time

We need to ensure the folder permission and hosting security policy.

  • Admin panel Captcha.

It will reduce the automatic login force attack. It means attacker submitting many passwords for automatically through their coding with WP login page. Many captcha plugin available freely in wordpress directory.

  • Security plugin Installation and configuration

Freely available many security plugin in WordPress Plugin Directory. So, We can use one the plugins

All In One WP Security & Firewall

iThemes Security

Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening

Wordfence Security

WP fail2ban

BulletProof Security


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